Debunking anti
The article misses some of the most obvious problems with solar, as the comprehension and analytical skills of Americans is decling very rapidly leading to massive amounts of bad intervetions in all areas. Check the mechanism by which statin drugs operate. and see if you can find any problems with that. I could go on and on with this. How about he problems with gaussian based statistics. Are you familiar with that? how about he problems of mis-prescibing medications while all pharmaceutical companies ignore that problem? along with many other such as above. The silent evidence produced is far greater than the little so called eveidnce modern humans can produce. This situation of asking people to look at larger pictures is like asking a crawling toddler to compete in the olympics. Welcome to the show, lets see if you can walk. How do you reconcile the energy it takes to produce a solar panel with the relatively insginificant amount of energy it produces? How come you didn;t adress that in your resarch? Did that convenitnly get by you? Would you like me to go through all your other bio-fuels, and wind generators with the same question? If we burned every source of organic burnable material in America how long do you think that would last? One year or less? and how come you didn’t mention companies like Exxon and Mobil as the largest manufacturers that contiue to produce large quantities of unsustainalbe energy resources? and the people who are reprsenting them now? and who asked you to write this article? Who runs the sierra club now? You conviently ignored all this relevant information. As if large oil manufactures have suddenly become environmentally motivated? How do you substantiate that? What sources do have for this resarch? Without doing any research on you beyond your titles your bias eliminates you from being a source of credible information. My time here is wasted. I don’t look forward to your response. Why don’t you put this on your website.